Trusting me - Trusting you / Games


1. WE ARE CONNECTED - BALL OF WOOL  Students are moving in the space till the music is playing, when the music stops, they need to form pairs. They talk with their pair and try to find out  most of the things that connect them. After that, they have to choose one student they will name when the time comes.  Activity duration: 3 minutes. First pair starts by taking the woolen ball and while adding a thread, they annouce what connects them. Everybody that has the same connection joins them by adding a woolen ball. The game repeats until every pair presents themselves.

2. I BELIEVE YOU Students are moving in space when the music is ON when the music stops, groups should come together as the teacher says. Students-work in pairs, one person has their eyes closed and the other person is leading with words to the final goal avoiding obstacles.

3. FIND ME, FIND YOU The pair agrees on a sound (a shout, an onomatopeic sound…) and they have their eyes closed. The teacher splits them apart and then, they have to find each other by letting out the agreed sound. If there are many students playing this game, they have to be careful when moving.

4. ALL DO AS I DO Students are walking in a circle – one starts the action, the others imitate him on the clap/bell - the new student starts the action - it lasts until all the students exchange in giving the order for the next movement.

5. CROSSING THE RIVER There are islands on the river(newspaper) - every new island is smaller; the students should cross the river as fast as possible, without drowning; at least one person must stand on the island all the time with the whole foot. The crossing technique is a free choice… returns are possible.

6. GUMMY-GUMMY The group needs to come up with 10 ways to play gummy-gummy. Watch this video to find out about this game. It is in Croatian, so just skip the introductory part and watch the part where they play the game.

7. TRIANGLE DANCE Three students dance in a triangle. Please watch a video how to do a triangle dance:

Before the meeting, students choose 1 - 2 of the described games, try it out and make  short videos of themselves doing it. Videos will be uploaded on a common Padlet, and they will certainly be included in our e-book „Secrets of Learning“. When making a video, please put the cover slide (school, Erasmus+ logo, our project logo) and the final slide (participating students, teachers), upload it on Youtube and post the links on the commion Padlet.